Grey's Anatomy

And I am in love. Seriously, I have tons of questions and stuff to figure out. But I loved it all. The acting was amazing. Crazy story. I cried at the end. Is this the first season because I saw something one of the season's on DVD soon. I need to see it!
Grade: A
Labels: television
I LOVE Grey's Anatomy! It is part of the Sunday night line-up, and it goes really well with Desperate Housewives! This is season 2, but season one comes out on DVD on the 14th!
I hadn't seen it in weeks, but last night's episode was totally amazing. I have to get season 1 on DVD!
This is the best show on TV. Everyday is a countdown to the next episode. Patrick Dempsey is out of control.
Im about to put on my o face. SANDRA oh.
YAY!!! Thank gawd! It's about time jack ass. Season one DVD just came out yesterday. It's on sale-go buy it now!!!
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